
Deception 101 - Primer on Deception

The author reviews the basic concepts related to “deception.” Dr. Joseph Caddell defines terms, provides historical examples, and discusses problems associated with deception. He provides a general overview, a “primer” which is not directed at those who already possess a working knowledge of deception operations. Nevertheless, given the complex and everchanging nature of deception in the political-military environment, it may serve as a useful reminder of the basic assumptions and methods concerning the subject.

FM 3-05.30 Psychological Operations

Military Geography by COL John M. Collins, US Army (Ret.)

John M. Collins has long been recognized in military and political circles as a strategist and thinker of profound depth. This, his latest offering, is the crown jewel in his intellectual diadem. His subject, military geography, is a discipline that affects everything soldiers do, every day, everywhere. All too often, it has been the difference between victory and defeat, yet no subject has been treated with more benign neglect in institutional and personal military education.

Cultural Intelligence

"Geography, tribal structure, religion, social customs, language, appetites, standards were at my finger-ends. - T.E. Lawrence

"...the value of military intelligence is exceeded by that of social and cultural intelligence. We need the ability to look, understand, and operate deeply into the fault lines of societies where, increasingly, we find the frontiers of national security."- ADM Arthur Cebrowski, USN, (Ret.), former Director of the Office of Force Transformation.

Does Culture Matter?: The Military Utility of Understanding Adversary Culture by Montgomery McFate, Joint Forces Quarterly

Military Cultural Education by COL Maxie McFarland, U.S. Army (Ret.), Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

Through the Lens of Cultural Awareness: A Primer for US Armed Forces Deploying to Arab and Middle Eastern Countries by LTC William D. Wunderle, U.S. Army. Combat Studies Institute (CSI) Special Study

Know your Enemy: Human Intelligence Key to SOF Missions by Scott Swanson, Delphi International Research

Arab Cultural Awareness Handbook, US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)

A Brief Guide to Understanding Islam

University of Military Intelligence TRADOC Cultural Center: Cultural Awareness Course

Cultural Awareness and the Military: USAF Air University Links

Combined Arms Research Library (CARL), US Army Command and General Staff College Links

USMC Center for Advanced Operational Culture Learning (CAOCL)